Pro-Tect UK Security & Training
established in 2003
We provide Security Guard Services including Door Supervisors, Event Security & Retail Security Services in Cumbria, Carlisle, Lancashire, Dumfriesshire & South Scotland

The Data Protection Act
The Data Protection Act 1998 imposes a number of Legal Obligations which affect the use and viewing of CCTV within the industry . Full Information relating to the Act can be obtained by visiting the Website operated by the Information Commissioner.
The Information Commissioner has also produced specific Codes of Practice for the use of CCTV systems. Copies of these documents can be downloaded from the Information Commissioners Website. Please Click Here to be taken directly to the website and then follow the links on the page to be directed to Guidance documents for either the Public or Private Sectors.
Pro-Tect UK Integral Solutions are registered with the ICO and hold an up to date Data Protection certificate and fully comply with the ICO’s rules & Regulations. A copy of the certificate can be provided upon request.
Clients are reminded that it is their responsibility to comply with the Provisions of The Data Protection Act. Pro-Tect UK Integral Solutions have a duty of care whenever we are engaged to provide a service to a client, and this includes ensuring that the client is compliant with all legislative requirements in the handling of data that we gather and present to them. Failure to do so could cause difficulties with using Video Images as evidence.
The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act
The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) applies to Public Sector organisations. Details of the Act can be obtained from the Office of Surveillance Commissioners Website. To be taken directly to this Website, please Click Here Clients are reminded that it is their responsibility to comply with the provisions of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA).